Carpathian Stag Hunting in Romania during the Rut

Carpathian Stag Hunting in Romania during the Rut



Carpathian red stag

Trip Date: By Agreement

Difficulty 3

6 Days Trip Length

Price on Request

I'm Interested

Carpathian Stag Hunting in Romania during the Rut


Hunting the Carpathian stag in the beech forests during the rut is an unforgettable experience for any hunter. It is a challenge for true adventurers, requiring excellent physical condition and mental resilience. The difficulty is not only due to the rugged mountainous terrain but also the need for active, all-day hunting. If you love adventure and have no problem with long treks in difficult terrain, and if you yearn for a genuine mountain hunt for Carpathian stags in true wilderness, then this hunt is perfect for you!


Price Includes

- Harvesting a Carpathian stag up to and including 7 kg

- 4 hunting days with a 1:1 professional guide

- 5 nights accommodation in a double room

- Full board meals

- Necessary documents and permits for transporting weapons and hunting

- Transport during hunting days

- Basic trophy processing and EU veterinary documents

- Presence of a HEMING team member (organizational and translation services)


Price Excludes

- Transport to Romania

- Trophy fee for stags over 7 kg according to the price list below

- Non-hunting person: 150 EUR/day

- Tips for guides

- Comprehensive travel insurance

- Alcoholic beverages

- Trophy transport to the place of residence (approx. 200 EUR/1 piece)

- Hunting rifle rental with ammunition: 300 EUR/hunter/stay

- Everything not included in the price

- Professional photo and video recording: 1,200 EUR

- Trip cancellation insurance (recommended)


Trophy Fee Based on Weight

Antler Weight   EUR EUR/10g

7.00 kg and above +13   

8.00 kg          1,300 +15

9.00 kg          2,800 +19

10.00 kg         4,700 +23    

11.00 kg        7,000 +60    


*Antler weight = entire skull with antlers without the lower jaw, no deductions. The actual weight is charged per 10g. For shooting or wounding game that was not approved by the guide, a fee of 2,500 EUR will be charged. A missed shot incurs a fee of 300 EUR.*


Basic Information

Hunting Carpathian stags is different from neighboring countries due to the topography, forestation, and more complex access. In Romania, stags are hunted in three areas: high and mid-mountain ranges of the Carpathians, foothills, and plains. The body and trophy sizes are larger than those of stags in Western Europe. For our hunt, we have chosen the beech forests in the high and mid-mountain ranges of the Carpathians. In the mountainous region, we encounter wild nature, untouched by forestry and infrastructure, where it is nearly impossible to see the same wild game twice. Our hunt takes place here. Together with your guide, you will go to old rutting grounds and try to locate the stag by its roar and stalk it. Along the way, you may encounter bears, wild boars, and occasionally wolves. The hunt occurs in vast forests situated at altitudes of 1,000 - 2,300 meters above sea level. The centuries-old trees are usually covered with lichens, and the vegetation mainly consists of blueberries and dense raspberries. In this beautiful setting, the roar of the stag - the king of the local mountains - echoes through the forest. The king that a hunter, after a tiring stalk, will likely see, and it's a chance not to be missed! The population of stags in the mountainous area is not large, but their quality is better; stags have impressive antler lengths. Cold winters and predators (bears, wolves, and lynxes) affect natural selection, which is why only trophy specimens are hunted. Expect a trophy weighing 7-12 kg, and with some luck, even larger trophies can be shot.


Accommodation and Meals

Accommodation is provided in a rustic-style guesthouse in the village of Bicazul Ardelean. It is located directly in a small but picturesque village in the heart of the hunting area in double rooms, with full local meals provided.


Equipment and Gear

You need appropriate breathable and waterproof clothing, with layers being essential, quality boots with a hard sole and functional membrane. A backpack for a change of clothes, essential personal items, and snacks (plenty of water, energy bars, or magnesium/electrolytes) is useful. Pack minimally and proportionately, as you will carry everything, including the hunting rifle, on your back all day. A backpack with an integrated rifle holder on the body axis with a quick-release system is recommended. Due to long-distance shooting, a rangefinder or binoculars with higher magnification will be a handy companion. A simple yet lightweight stick for support in mountainous terrain or shooting will be a suitable accessory.


Weapons and Ammunition

We recommend hunting with your own hunting rifle, which is registered in the European Firearms Pass, along with another identification document, for traveling and transporting the weapon. In mountain hunting for stags, it is often necessary to shoot from ridge to ridge, i.e., at longer distances (200 to 350 meters). A more powerful caliber with a flat ballistic trajectory and sufficient impact energy is recommended. The most important thing is to have the rifle properly sighted for long-distance hunting and tested at the range before the hunt. The rifle should be equipped with a scope with sufficient magnification, at least 12x or more, ideally with a ballistic turret. For observation, lightweight binoculars with high magnification, such as 10x42, are ideal, preferably with an integrated rangefinder.



As you know, the weather is unpredictable. Like any mountain hunt in higher altitudes, expect all weather changes. The weather in the mountains is very variable but similar to that in Slovakia. Before traveling, check the weather forecast for the hunting location and prepare accordingly, in the spirit of “there’s no bad weather, only badly dressed hunters.”



A hunt for Carpathian deer during the rut in beech forests is an unforgettable memory for every hunter. It is a challenge for true adventurers. The hunter's physical condition and mental endurance must be at a more than good level. The difficulty is connected not only with the fragmentation of the mountain area, but also with the need for active all-day hunting. Do you like adventure and don't you have a problem with a long move in difficult terrain? Do you want to experience the real mountain hunting of Carpathian deer in the real wilderness? So look no further, because this hunt is just for you!



We are happy to prepare a customized offer and date for you.



Good physical condition of the hunter. In this case, we will find a little more together. However, if you are looking for a challenge and want to test your physical condition, this is the right type of tour for you. In tours with this level of difficulty, we include mountain hunts and expedition hunts, which is why it also reflects a certain amount of discomfort resulting from the nature of expedition hunts /longer transfers, hunting on horseback or staying in a tent/.



Prečo cestovať s nami?

As a guarantee you won’t find our hunts cheaper anywhere else, we will match any price you can find online for a hunt with the same outfitter, as long as the content of the hunt is the same.

A price you won’t’ fine anywhere else

A price you won’t’ fine anywhere else

We have our ways, we know our destinations and the right people. Therefore, we can offer you the same, but for a better price, than if you would go on a similar adventure on your own.

Planning the adventure

Planning the adventure

Even though we are going into the wilderness and to unknown places, the whole trip is planned to the smallest of details, from booking the flight tickets to trophies import. Forget about your everyday troubles and just enjoy the adventure and the hunt.

You can count on us

You can count on us

We are a properly licensed travel agency. We are insured in accordance with the Act on Insolvency. We are a member of the Slovak Association of Tour Operators & Travel Agents. If we do not accompany you in person, then we are available 24/7. We have your back.

We are just like you

We are just like you

We are adventurers and hunters ourselves. We know what you are looking for, because we are looking for the same thing. On our adventures, we will not be your guides, we will be your partners. We’re in this together.

A price you won’t’ fine anywhere else

A price you won’t’ fine anywhere else

We have our ways, we know our destinations and the right people. Therefore, we can offer you the same, but for a better price, than if you would go on a similar adventure on your own.

Planning the adventure

Planning the adventure

Even though we are going into the wilderness and to unknown places, the whole trip is planned to the smallest of details, from booking the flight tickets to trophies import. Forget about your everyday troubles and just enjoy the adventure and the hunt.

You can count on us

You can count on us

We are a properly licensed travel agency. We are insured in accordance with the Act on Insolvency. We are a member of the Slovak Association of Tour Operators & Travel Agents. If we do not accompany you in person, then we are available 24/7. We have your back.

We are just like you

We are just like you

We are adventurers and hunters ourselves. We know what you are looking for, because we are looking for the same thing. On our adventures, we will not be your guides, we will be your partners. We’re in this together.