Crocodile Hunt in Zimbabwe

Crocodile Hunt in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe - GwayiZimbabwe - Gwayi

Big game, Bowhunting, Stalking, High seat, Predator, Safari


Trip Date: By Agreement

Difficulty 2

9 Days Trip Length

Price on Request

I'm Interested

Crocodile Hunt in Zimbabwe


Embark on an exciting 9-day adventure hunting crocodiles in the Gwayi area of Zimbabwe, near Hwange National Park. This safari offers a unique opportunity to hunt in the heart of Africa's wilderness.


Hunting Season

February - May; September - November


Event Duration

9 days / 6 hunting days



Zimbabwe - Gwayi area (near Hwange National Park)


Additional Hunting Opportunities

Cape Buffalo, Elephant, Hippopotamus, Leopard, Lion, various Antelope species, Warthog, and others



Fly to Victoria Falls (with one layover in Ethiopia), transfer by car from the airport to the camp



Firearms available for rent



Hunting camp in the center of the hunting area



All-day meals prepared by a private chef


Included in the Price

- State escort fee (for elephant, leopard, and lion)

- Participation of a HEMING team member (assistance, translation, and organizational services)

- CITES permit

- Pre-baiting & scouting (for leopard and lion hunts)

- Organization of crocodile hunt over 6 hunting days

- 8 nights accommodation in the camp with all-day meals, including a wide selection of non-alcoholic and reasonable amounts of alcoholic beverages

- Transport from the airport to the camp and back

- Daily laundry, ironing, and room cleaning

- Work of trackers and drivers of off-road vehicles

- Work of professional hunters and guides

- Travel agency insolvency insurance

- Firearm rental

- Basic trophy processing on-site and export permit


Not Included in the Price

- Costs associated with firearm transport

- Gratuities for trackers and service staff

- Comprehensive travel insurance and trip cancellation insurance (available on request)

- Costs for transporting trophies to the place of residence (dip & pack, transport, customs, tax)

- Anything not listed in the price


Hunting Information


All hunts, except for hippopotamus and crocodile, are conducted in unit 6, Matetsi, one of the best areas in Zimbabwe. Hippopotamus and crocodile hunts are organized near the village of Binga on the shores of Lake Kariba. These hunts start from a camp by the lake. In the morning, you board a boat and search for hippos and crocodiles along the shore. This well-managed area is known for its abundant game. Once a trophy animal is spotted, you can either shoot from the boat (usually a last resort) or get to shore and walk a few hundred meters to find a shooting position. Since hippos need to breathe above water, they can be hunted all day. The same goes for crocodiles, which need to bask in the sun, so we hunt them by walking along sandy beaches during the day.


Hunting in beautiful Zimbabwe is incomparable to hunting on farms in South Africa or Namibia. The wild nature, where you can observe elephants, lions, and especially large herds of Cape buffalo, provides the true essence of an African safari.


Travel Details

The best way to travel to the country is by air to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, with Ethiopian Airlines, with a layover in Addis Ababa. After arriving at Victoria Falls, hunters will be picked up by car and transferred to the hunting camp in Gwayi. The journey takes approximately 2.5 hours. A valid passport is required for entry, valid for at least 6 months after return. A visa is required for foreigners, which can be obtained directly at the airport in Victoria Falls.



The camp is located in the heart of the hunting area, eliminating the need for long transfers. It is built in a hunting style with a strong hunting spirit. Electricity, hot water, and cleanliness in every room are guaranteed. Daily laundry and ironing are provided by local staff. The camp includes a large common room where hunters eat and spend time together. Most common time is spent around the outdoor fire pit, evoking the true African atmosphere in the evenings, where hunters share their experiences from the day. Meals are prepared by a private chef and are excellent and varied, including local specialties mainly from game, as well as many common European dishes such as schnitzels, roast chicken, and pasta.



During the hunting season, the weather is usually favorable, with little rain. In March and April, the weather is most pleasant, with daytime temperatures around 30-35°C and cooler mornings. In late April and May, the days are cooler (25-30°C) and the mornings can be cold, with temperatures reaching 3-5°C. Therefore, it is essential to bring both winter and summer clothing for the hunt.



- Hunting clothing with long and short sleeves

- Hunting pants, long and short

- High leather boots (not new)

- Belt

- Windproof jacket for morning and evening hunts

- Evening camp clothing

- Sunglasses

- Sunscreen and lip balm

- Nasal spray / moisturizer

- Small backpack or bag

- Flashlight (2x)

- Basic medications (antibiotics, corticosteroids, painkillers, allergy medication, insect bite treatment, anti-diarrheal, etc.)



Všetky lovy okrem tých na hrocha a krokodíla sa uskutočňujú v unit 6 t.j. MATETSI a teda v jednej z najlepších oblastí v Zimbabwe vôbec. Lov na hrocha a krokodíla organizujeme v blízkosti osady Binga na brehu jazera Karibu. Lov sa vykonáva z tábora, ktorý je na jazere. Ráno naskočíte na loď a začnete hľadať hrochy a krokodíle pozdĺž pobrežia jazera. Je to veľmi dobre spravovaná oblasť, kde zo skúseností dobre vieme, kde lovenú zver hľadať. Početnosť zveri je vysoká. Keď zazrieme trofejové samca, môžete buď skúsiť strieľať z člna (zvyčajne to robí len ako posledná možnosť), alebo sa dostať na breh a prejsť niekoľko stoviek metrov, aby ste sa dostali do streleckej pozície. Keďže hrochy musia dýchať nad hladinou, loviť je možné celý deň. To isté sa deje s krokodílmi, ktoré sa potrebujú vyhrievať na slnku, takže cez deň sa budeme posliedkou lovit blízko pieskových pláží.


Lov v prekrásnom ZIMBABWE sa nedá porovnávať s lovom na farmách v JAR alebo v Namíbii. Atmosféra voľnej prírody, v ktorej máte možnosť pozorovať slony, levy, ale najmä veľké čriedy kaferských byvolov dáva lovu nádych pravého afrického safari.



We are happy to prepare a customized offer and date for you.



For trips marked with this type of difficulty, moderate to moderate demands are placed on the hunter's physical condition. However, they are manageable for everyone who likes smaller challenges. We encounter this degree of difficulty mainly in mountain types of hunting, when hunting is mainly at the foot of slopes or in lower mountain locations.



Prečo cestovať s nami?

As a guarantee you won’t find our hunts cheaper anywhere else, we will match any price you can find online for a hunt with the same outfitter, as long as the content of the hunt is the same.

A price you won’t’ fine anywhere else

A price you won’t’ fine anywhere else

We have our ways, we know our destinations and the right people. Therefore, we can offer you the same, but for a better price, than if you would go on a similar adventure on your own.

Planning the adventure

Planning the adventure

Even though we are going into the wilderness and to unknown places, the whole trip is planned to the smallest of details, from booking the flight tickets to trophies import. Forget about your everyday troubles and just enjoy the adventure and the hunt.

You can count on us

You can count on us

We are a properly licensed travel agency. We are insured in accordance with the Act on Insolvency. We are a member of the Slovak Association of Tour Operators & Travel Agents. If we do not accompany you in person, then we are available 24/7. We have your back.

We are just like you

We are just like you

We are adventurers and hunters ourselves. We know what you are looking for, because we are looking for the same thing. On our adventures, we will not be your guides, we will be your partners. We’re in this together.

A price you won’t’ fine anywhere else

A price you won’t’ fine anywhere else

We have our ways, we know our destinations and the right people. Therefore, we can offer you the same, but for a better price, than if you would go on a similar adventure on your own.

Planning the adventure

Planning the adventure

Even though we are going into the wilderness and to unknown places, the whole trip is planned to the smallest of details, from booking the flight tickets to trophies import. Forget about your everyday troubles and just enjoy the adventure and the hunt.

You can count on us

You can count on us

We are a properly licensed travel agency. We are insured in accordance with the Act on Insolvency. We are a member of the Slovak Association of Tour Operators & Travel Agents. If we do not accompany you in person, then we are available 24/7. We have your back.

We are just like you

We are just like you

We are adventurers and hunters ourselves. We know what you are looking for, because we are looking for the same thing. On our adventures, we will not be your guides, we will be your partners. We’re in this together.